Let us take care of all of your office needs.
Allow us to take care of all your office needs. We specialize in Collections, Billing, and all those calls
you do not want to make. All collection receivables go to you in return for an hourly fee of $10.00.
All postage and supplies will be provided by your company. All collection and billing calls are included
in the $10.00 an hour fee. Other office assistance is available. A 2 hour minimum of $20.00 and your
supplies can be sent to our address listed below. Please email if you have questions or interests.
There is no job too small or too large.
Let us take the time to help you, so that you may have more to accomplish more tasks, or simply more
time to enjoy life.
Business Office Supports and Collections
Attention: Jody Sheppard
P.O. Box 661
Ludowici, Ga. 31316
References furnished upon request